Director and Creator of...
‘Returning Home’
Facilitated by Jamie Lazan

Director’s Note:
Directing Returning Home was an exhilarating challenge and a beautiful, heart-opening process. We wore many hats, feeling into the creative connection that arises from merging art forms and holistic healing together. From person-centered process to production, everything was led and directed through zoom.
In leading the team to create environment and character from true experiences, the lines between imagination and reality became blurred and heightened our creative exploration. Symbolism was drawn from poetic metaphor and what we had in our spaces. For instance, the suffocating feeling of loneliness and depression led to underwater submergence – i.e. Nick Freedson’s pool in his backyard!
This film was crafted from no-budget and for the most part, on iphones in 4k at 30 fps. (Minus our Conductor who had a cinematographer come to his house to film). I had the opportunity to teach artists how to make a creation in all stages among this digital platform.
“Our Story, Our Voice” became what Returning Home is. It is 100% a part of what we will continue to share and offer here at The Human Arts Collective. I want to thank the team that came together to bring this vision to life and I hope our film touches the hearts of many, as well as inspires young minds and all alike to create, discover and dream BIG.
A moment from directing the underwater scenes through zoom. Nick was holding his breath for a bunch of takes and Marisa – our DP for the day – is trying to capture each moment through blurry goggles and a phone in a semi-waterproof case…